Friday, July 30, 2010

The Next Generation II

As I wrote in April, those involved with the courts are very concerned about the widespread lack of knowledge and appreciation for our system of government and the rule of law. (E.g., a large majority of Americans can't name the three branches of government, much less understand what they each do, and many high school seniors can't pass the test that applicants for citizenship must pass.)
Well, I just learned what retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Conner is doing about it. She has started an organization that creates really fun and educational computer games, and is spreading it throughout schools in our country.  Originally branded as, they have expanded the games to cover the other branches of government, under the banner  I just sent an email to my 11-year old to ask him to check it out.  If you know a young person you should do the same, and if you are interested in helping further this cause let me know, I am touch with the volunteers in Texas who are taking on this cause in our schools.

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